ED Teaching Program
The Island Docs ED Teaching program occurs twice a week at flexible times to suit our ED resident, medical students and the SMO. Teaching sessions are a two way learning process for our juniors and seniors.
As we will not even begin to cover the essentials of emergency medicine in these 30-45min slots, the sessions will mostly be designed to be practical with some theory thrown in. As a background to our weekly sessions, we strongly recommend you complete the LearnEM EDGE course as a theoretical background. The online course is free and can be completed in the ED when you have ‘downtime’ in the quiet periods. It is designed to run over 10 weeks and requires at maximum 5 hours/week of input.
The LearnEM website: http://moodle.learnem.com.au
1. Register a new account (free)
2. Register for the EDGE course (weeks 1-5 then 6-10)
3. Complete the EDGE course weekly and discuss any questions or any topics you found controversial with your ED supervisors