Deadly App
Here is a list of apps that we use in our day to day rural and remote medical practice. This is a follow on from our list of online resources we can’t live without! You can check them out here. What apps would you add to the list? ...
Helpful Resources
Here we’ve complied a list of our favourite online resources. Do you have any you’d add to the list? Primary Health Northern Territory Remote Primary Health Care Manuals Queensland Primary Clinical Care Manual 9th Edition Queensland Chronic Conditions Manual 1st Edition RACGP Redbook Guidelines for preventive activities Chronic Disease Management...
Medicare Cheat Sheet for ED
Glenn’s Medicare Cheat Sheet for ED Here is the updated version of the medicare cheat sheet (March 2018), mainly for working out of the Hospital Emergency department. It contains most of the numbers for the commonly billed items. We have these laminated and attached to the triage clip boards...