Week 6.1 – Sepsis

What is it?

Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction secondary to an infection. Early recognition and early management of sepsis is critical. Sepsis kills more than breast or prostate cancer here in Australia. Have a look at this great summary video from JAMA on defining sepsis and septic shock.


Using qSOFA score

Calculate the qSOFA score for the simulated patient you saw in ED today using this qSOFA calculator (link below). Do you think this may have helped or changed your management?


Sepsis Six

Do you remember the sepsis six? We known that early recognition and early management of sepsis reduces mortality and morbidity. A good medical student and junior doctor will know these six early management steps – because you never know when you might see a patient who you identify as septic.

Further Reading

Recognising Sepsis

Sepsis Definitions and Diagnosis